Well....anyhow about myself againz lol...(ehumm, i dont love myself or anything...but I spose...you did wanna know a bit about
me yeh?)
Otay...I was born on 22nd February 1987 (Frankston Hospital, mums filipino, dad's english), which makes me a Pisces...(I
cant say im not a huge fan of star signs, but I do believe I am wut Pisces are sed to be, well my friends believe so aswel...so
Im not lying lolz. You can read about pisces at tha bottom when Im thru with talking about everything else. Ok i'll shut up
about that now!)
Well...Im starting to go to the gym againz thank god. I missed it heaps for the last 3 years lol cos the high skool i
changed to in year 10 didnt have a gym...but yea, Im happy :D!!
I miss playing sportz but yeh...I still do when I can. I fink i screwed up my knees from netball or footy ages ago, just...they're
weak and when I run I just drop :( bloody embarassing so i threw it all away. N i used to be a sprinter aswel, so sucky. Anyway,
I used to play Soccer, Volleyball, Netball, Basketball, Street hockey n wrestling lol believe it or not. I used to be 1 of
2 girls - top wrestlers...well strongest chik aswel...lol i could only go against this other chik which was samoan...so hrmm..
and im only 160cm tall...eheheh :P so innocent lol!! (btw...we were top champs with tha skool wrestling shit in the state)
Umm...well, I was considering taking up drifting...although I dunno if I'd be able to afford a car for a while...let alone
sum1's gotta teach me to drive manual lol, which will happen anyway, even tho i only have a shitty old Gemini thats automatic...but
mehh, I'll borrow sum1's car :D
Well...favourite food...Dunno if i really have any...i pretty much eat ne thing that doesnt taste like shit lol. I do
tend to eat lots of chicken, maybe thats cos thats all mum ever cooks when she cant be bothered cookin sumfin really good.
Oh well lol, but yea...my mum's meatloaf, damn, i u dont like meatloaf...its cos u havent tried my mums!! Umm...risotto lol
i duno if i even spelt it rite, umm...I like my deserts...this filo stuff ...cant remember how to spell it and im not gunna
try,...its like a really sweet condensed version of caramel creme YUMM! and...the white chocolate mudcakes I make and my bro's
Chocolate brownies annndd ice cream :D!! ok cheesecake too...but yea theres heapss, cant mention them all...this thig is already
turning into an essay. Dont you hate it when u type out this huge huge thing of writing...u kno wut i mean...and then all
of a sudden lose it when your about to say...cool im done!?! its happened to me heaps of times, and I deffinetaly wont be
laughing when Im dun with this!!
Sooooo....how are you today? lol, well...
As you know from the front page...I am a musician..mainly play saxophone although play clarinet, piano, flute and vocals
aswel. Funi, Ive only played sax for 1 year and its my most professional instrument LOL...im probably better on clainet tho,
both grade 8 but...yea played clarinet for 5 years. Anyway, your probably not interested in that unless ur a muso urself lol.
But i must say i played in the Blackburn high school senior stage band and which is very well known around australia, new
york and london so...hehehe, we're the top band in australia mind u :P not um...being up there or ne thing! Yeh, wanna see
us play...go to Ballarat's South Street competitions, we're always competing there and usually getting first place...thats
with all our bands at school etc :)
Hrmm wat else is there to tell...wat kinda girl I am relationship wize...? Iuno...this is wut i think, I dunno if its
right or anything but I try to keep my rules strait for myself lol.
In general with everyone im a very VERY caring person lol, I hate to see anyone hurt or goin thru depression etc...ive
been there done that and it aint pretty and u do sum real searious bad shit when you cant think properly! Umm...Im a really
intimate person...sensitive lol, i try not to be! But yea, hate being yelled at for one...i mean jeez, Im a very attentive
listener lol...get ur point across to me without shouting!! (had bad experiences with an ex)...but umm...I luv and I mean
I absolutely loveee the beach...especially late afternoons! Anything to do with water...it calms me down as long as im not
drowning in it!
Umm, im dedicated...i dont care how far u live...i'll go through all the trouble just to see ya :P lolz, travel's nothing
for me anyway! I wouldnt even dream of cheating on anyone!! I treat people how they treat me...so yea. Another thing, if u
get on my bad side...I can be a mean mean bitch so...but on the other hand im a really really nice person lol!! Apparently
a good kisser...i wont go into any sexual detail lolz...that-the guyz can find out for themselves if they make me want them...so
ummm yer. Iuno wut else u'd wanna kno. I havent had any real serious serious bf's although I've always wanted 1...longest
relationship was 10 months...I cant say i was happy for 7-8 month of it tho.
Future dreams? Would love to become a music teacher...and motor mechanic...and hairdresser lol. I'll be studying for the
rest of my life!! But yeh, I'd luv a car I would just never want to leave lol, i could almost replace a guy witha car if
i get the 1 i want!! lolzz...can ride it all day, ehummm anyway!! Im a good girl...should tell u that :P
A guy, that would treat me well and respect me, hopeully sum1 i'm deffinately in-love with...but most of all..he has to
be in-love with me too!! lol, um...would love to have children...iuno y but i've always wanted to call 1 of my girls Dana...thats
if I have a girl..although I rekon i'll end up having a boy first off...mite even be all boys :S who knows! A job I absolutely
luv goin to, hopefully wont b broke..wont be rich either..cos Iuno...i want a normal life, hate stressing and being rich or
poor is only gunna make me stress!! Rich....yeh it will make me stress, a lot of people asking for help...as much as i'd like
to...but gawd, who's going to take me for who i am and not the money ya kno...too many greedy kunts out there! Hrmm and yea,
one day would love to travel around the world :) aaannddd most important, must still b very very close with my best friend
alexandra. I luv her to death :) I'll tell u more bout her later :P